Fintech blog

sales eagle Redsnap

Marketing tools for sales people

Don’t become sales’ lone eagle

Sales is an art form. Not everyone can be good at it. But for some people, it comes naturally. Those are the eagles. They spot their prey on the ground, make a go for it, and more often than not come out victorious.

When someone tells them, “You should really try to incorporate marketing automation tools in your selling process.”

They give that person the eagle eye stare and fly away. “I won’t let you cage me.” The eagle thinks to himself.

Eagles know that they need to hit targets to survive. As a matter of fact, they strive to exceed their goals. Oh, the glory when they catch a young bighorn sheep instead of a field mouse.

Well, you could be the eagle to reach legendary status by catching a bighorn sheep, or maybe even a pronghorn antelope. That is if you learn how to use marketing automation to your advantage.

Promise to keep an open mind while we explain how?

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CEO's and Innovation





Harvard Business School Professor Leonard Schlesinger talks about how CEOs approach innovation, and offers advice for leaders inside large companies on working to support their CEO and advance their innovation agendas.

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Innoveren is belangrijk, maar verkopen is ook een kunst

If you cannot make it, fake it, luidt een Amerikaans gezegde onder ondernemers. Amerikanen zijn er goed in: hun product verkopen voordat de ontwikkeling is gestart. Nederlandse ondernemers, een stuk bescheidener, zouden nog best wat kunnen leren van onze verre buur. Met alle aandacht voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling, laat de verkoop nog wel eens op zich wachten, zo blijkt uit een rondgang langs de Nieuwe Kampioenen. Te lang 'doorgehold', te laat de markt op gegaan, het vak van 'sales onderschat'.

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