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The people paradox of marketing & sales automation

Florian Hillen 27 March, 2024
the people paradox of marketing and sales automation

Are you getting tired of buzzwords and following inexplicable business trends? Join the club, and check out how we can help you by automating your marketing and sales without forgetting the people involved (your customers, your marketing and sales teams and you).

We're not psychics, but at Redsnap we have a way of figuring what your customers want and need (besides maybe a tall, handsome stranger m/f/x). Growing your business, scaling it, and increasing your sales are probably on top of your to-do list. These are great ambitions, but most likely you are struggling with the question of how to achieve this without losing focus on your own products and services in the fintech industry. Although we are not psychics that can make some reasonable guesstimates, we are marketing & sales doctors with the best tools and skills to get insights in your customer's needs.


So what is marketing & sales automation - and why is there a paradox?

The best and, in our humble opinion, only way to achieve your fintech business goals is to automate your marketing and sales. This automation has to be 'people-centred', in a way that employees and customers can do what needs to be done to achieve all of your business goals: connect. The paradox is this: although we mostly start our marketing & sales automation by looking at tools and their technical values, it is actually (at the same time) about people and their desires. 

Getting people to make a purchase is a game, a dance, a journey where maybe a million factors play a (minor to leading) role. It is virtually impossible to figure out what all these factors are and how they connect to result in a purchase. In the pre-internet age, we used people with great sales skills to convince other people, a.k.a customers, of your product and services. In those days, marketeers spend most of their time doing a lot of research and questionnaires trying to figure out what people truly desired. 

But now, in this day and age of real-time data and algorithms that can calculate almost anything, we can predict a lot better what people want - or we think we can. But collecting a lot of data and trying to figure out the correlations or causations is even more work, and the results are more than often disappointing if you don't use the right tools for this.

Marketing & sales automation, however, is the real thing - and goes a lot further than 'just an idea of your customer's wishes by analysing an Excel-sheet.

Maybe the best definition of marketing & sales automation is: 

"Software platforms and technologies designed for marketing and sales departments and organizations to more effectively market on multiple channels online (such as email, social media, websites, etc.) and automate repetitive tasks."

If you understand the people paradox, marketing & sales automation does work

Now let's get back to the fintech business and the struggles with marketing & sales automation. The problem is that many fintech companies have some part of their marketing and sales processes automated, but don't know how to get the most out of it.

Another obstacle is that marketing and sales collect and interpret their own data, sometimes even with their own automated tools that don't actually connect. As you can read in our 'Mind the Gap series' this is not an efficient way of working, to say the least.

But there is a bright light at the end of the marketing and sales funnel: Automation. Because when you understand the paradox that marketing & sales automation is actually all about people (your customer and the constant collaboration of your marketing and sales teams), you'll be able to get the utmost out of your Hubspot and other tools. 

By the way: you are not on your own in this. We can set up your marketing & sales automation and train your teams to achieve your business goals.

Would you like to speak to one of our specialists? We will be happy to schedule a call and answer your questions.


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