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Best practices in sales automation: 5 keys to success

Florian Hillen 14 December, 2022


Sales automation is an important tool for salespeople, but it can also be a double-edged sword. It’s easy for salespeople to get caught up in the excitement of automated processes without fully realizing the potential effects on their customers and organization. In order to ensure that your sales automation efforts are truly successful, it’s critical that you think through both the benefits and risks of this type of technology before implementing it in your own business.

However, sales automation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In order to get the most out of sales automation, there are a few best practices that sales teams should follow.

Identify the tasks that can be automated and prioritize them based on their potential impact and the resources required to automate them.

You should also prioritize the tasks that you want to automate based on their potential impact and the resources required for automation. While you can often identify several tasks that can be automated, your team may not have the in-house capabilities necessary to develop or implement them. You may also need to consider how long it will take you to build out a new automation process compared with other initiatives that might have a faster return on investment (ROI).

In addition, there are some types of sales processes where automation doesn’t make sense—at least yet. For example, if a sales rep needs human judgment when making an important decision during a sale process (such as determining which product features are most important), then it’s unlikely they can be fully automated using today’s technology and tools.

Use automation to improve, not replace, the sales process. Automation can help salespeople be more efficient and effective, but it should not be used to replace human interaction and judgment.

In your sales process, automation should never be used as a replacement for the human touch. Automation can help salespeople be more efficient and effective, but it should not be used to replace human interaction and judgment.

Automation can improve the way your sales team interacts with leads and customers throughout every stage of buying: prospecting, nurturing, qualification and closing. However, when you implement automation at each stage of this process—whether it's in lead generation or customer management—it's important to consider how these interactions will look in the future and how they'll affect the sales team's overall productivity.

A good example of how automation improves the sales process is through lead scoring systems that rank leads according to how likely they are to convert into paying customers. This type of system helps automate some aspects of lead management which frees up time for other activities like generating new business opportunities or providing exceptional service after-the-sale (see below).

Integrate automation with other sales tools and technologies.

This will help ensure that data is accurately and consistently captured and used, and that automation does not create silos of information.

Integration with other sales tools and technologies is also important to ensure that data is accurately and consistently captured. Integration will help ensure that automation does not create silos of information.

Monitor and measure the effectiveness of automation, and make adjustments as needed. This will help ensure that automation is delivering the intended benefits and that the sales process remains efficient and effective.

There are several ways to monitor and measure the effectiveness of your automation. A good first step is to determine what metrics you want to track, such as:

  • How many leads were generated by automation?

  • How many of those leads lead to sales?

  • What percentage of your total revenue was generated from automated processes? This ratio can be compared with other companies or industries that use similar automation tools.

Provide training and support for salespeople on how to use automation effectively. This will help ensure that they are able to take full advantage of the benefits of automation and avoid any potential pitfalls.

The best tools in the world won't help you achieve your goals if your salespeople aren't trained on how to use them properly. In order to ensure that they are taking full advantage of the benefits of automation, it's important that you provide training and support for salespeople on how to use these tools effectively. This will help ensure that they are able to take full advantage of the benefits of automation and avoid any potential pitfalls.

Providing ongoing training on new technologies goes hand-in-hand with supporting your team as they integrate these tools into their daily workflow. In addition, be sure that there is a plan in place for onboarding new executives who may require additional training before being able to use any new software or processes effectively. This way, no one gets left behind in terms of learning how best utilize these technologies!


Sales automation is a powerful tool that can help your business increase its sales and improve the efficiency of its sales process. But there are many potential pitfalls when implementing any new technology, so it’s important to be aware of them and take steps to avoid them. The best way to do this is by following the five best practices outlined above, which will help ensure that your salespeople are successful in using their CRMs and other automated systems.