Fintech blog

SnapShots: ING Bank, Podcast, & Breakthrough at RedSnap

Written by RedSnap Inc. | Sep 14, 2018 2:05:57 PM

Welcome to the SnapShots!

Weekly insights from RedSnap's perspective about what happened in the past week. We want to share our three key takeaways and update you on the progress at RedSnap. Hope you enjoy our selections this week and happy reading! 


ING fix it, Koos knows

The past week spotlights have been, once again, we might say, on ING and its top management. It won’t have escaped you that ING was fined €775 million for money laundering activities that have been going on for years. This event triggered many questions and fuelled discussions: At Redsnap we discussed who should be held responsible and accountable? Is the stepping down of the CFO, Koos Timmermans the end or only a start? Isn’t the main issue here: what is being done here to fix the problem? As we just witnessed the ten years since the whole Lehman bankers affair one can even ask the overarching question: have bankers even learned from the worldwide bank crises?

Even more ironic in this all is realising the fine money stays within ING…..

Major step on Podcast

RedSnap reaches a significant milestone on our new initiative in creating a podcast. The podcast will focus on fintech relevancy for stakeholders in the financial services and technology industry. RedSnap is collaborating with three other great partners to make the podcast happens, and we are eager cannot wait to introduce them to you. Stay tuned for  in tune with more updates and the launch of the podcast!

A great breakthrough within RedSnap

At Redsnap we are all about offering value. The value includes finding efficient ways of working. While for some this is second nature, for others not so much. Image our surprise and happiness this week that our most resistant and digitally least savvy team members finally embraced collaborative working and project management tools. Now everyone is on the same page and not only will be benefit.. so will our clients.